Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Rain and the Sitar

Follow her as she leads you with her music,
Into her music.
Follow her as the little drops fall onto the neck of her sitar,
Strumming each string with their buoyancy,
Splitting into two by virtue of their feat.
Follow her as they slither along her cheek,
Ending with the crescent of her smile.
Follow her as she quivers in delight,
As they quiver on the gourd.

Follow them as they lead you with their music, into their music.


  1. this is definitely your new "awesomest of all"!

  2. P,
    I read about the binding problem, two more relevant topics are:

    Also I was wondering if we could coauthor a new blog on how stuff fails - biological and electronics. We can draw many parallels between the two. We can talk about "mechanisms". I have another technical blog where I put up articles about my experience with electronics (building them, taking them apart, how they fail etc etc):

    Let me know if this interests you. I am on fb:

  3. I got some awesome ideas, i know u haven't said yes but felt like sharing it anyways:
    Mitochondria can be compared to batteries. Lactate threshold to slew rate of amplifiers. Codons with bytes. Viruii with (of course) virii. Emotions with Operating system tasks etc etc..

    We could also an item called "Life in graphs" where we show how various paramters of human body increase and then decrease as we age. Eye power, blood cell concentration, bpm, bone density etc etc. Then do the same life in graphs for an electronic device - show graphs for its parameters. The bath tub curve is applicable to both - electronics and human:

    1. Hey,
      As much as I like the idea, I'm not sure I have the time. Plus, I don't think I'll be very good with technical sort of writing :(

  4. Is ok. Maybe later.. after we both retire.. :)
    Always better to leave the knowledge behind.
